About Demo
About Demo
Here, we will introduce the steps for using the Primus NETWORK SDK with examples.
Node.js >= 18
MetaMask (if the chain is
)- Ensure you have enough
in your wallet for gas and computation fees. - EverPay
- Ensure you have enough
in EverPay to cover storage fees. You can refer to the SDK Documentation for more information.
- Ensure you have enough
ArConnect (if the chain is
)- Ensure you have enough
in your wallet.
- Ensure you have enough
How to run demo
- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/pado-labs/pado-network-sdk.git
cd pado-network-sdk
cd demo
- install packages
npm install
- run demo
npm run dev
- The demo will be served at http://localhost:5173.
npm install --save @padolabs/pado-network-sdk
Init Client
chain is ao
Make sure that you have installed the Arconnect in chrome and that you have enough AR
const wallet = window.arweaveWallet;
const padoNetworkClient = new PadoNetworkContractClient('ao', wallet, 'arweave');
chain is ethereum
or holesky
Make sure you have installed MetaMask
in Chrome and have enough ETH
to cover computation and gas fees, as well as enough ETH
in EverPay
to pay for storage.
const wallet = window.ethereum;
const padoNetworkClient = new PadoNetworkContractClient('holesky', wallet, 'arseeding');
Data Provider
Upload Data
prepare data
// data in Uint8Array format
const data = new Uint8Array(fileContent);
//for example
//const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
//or read from file
tag for the data
// tag for the data, you can save filename and subffix here
const dataTag = {'name': 'test','subffix':'txt'};
price for the data
if chainName is holesky
or ethereum
//this means price of the data is 0.0000001ETH
const priceInfo = {
price: 1_000_000_000_000,
symbol: 'ETH'
if chainName is ao
NOTE: Currently, only wAR(the Wrapped AR in AO) is supported. In the example, 200000000 means 0.0002 wAR.
// price for the data
const priceInfo = {
price: '200000000',
symbol: 'wAR'
//The addresses of the checkers. If you have no checkers, you can pass an empty array.
const dataPermissions=[]
encryption schema
//Parameters required for data encryption
//n: Number of nodes involved in the computing
//t: Minimum number of nodes required to report task results
//Make sure that, n>=t>1
//Default is: {t:2,n:3}
const schema = {
upload data
const dataId = await padoNetworkClient.uploadData(data, dataTag, priceInfo, dataPermissions, schema);
If everything is fine and there are no exceptions, you will get the dataId
, and you can query the data you uploaded based on that ID.
Retrieve the withdrawable balance and proceed with the withdrawal.
When data is purchased, the data provider is able to receive a token reward, you can check the withdrawable balance and withdraw it in the following ways.
are only supported on the Holesky and Ethereum chains is supported, and only ETH is supported.
Get balance
const balance = await padoNetworkClient.getBalance(address, 'ETH');
const transaction = await padoNetworkClient.withdrawToken(metamaskAddress, 'ETH', balance.free);
Data User
Generate key pair
You should generates a pair of public and secret keys for encryption and decryption.
import {Utils} from "@padolabs/pado-network-sdk";
const keyInfo = await new Utils().generateKey();
Submit task
Here, you need a dataId, which is returned by the Data Provider through the uploadData
const taskId = await padoNetworkClient.submitTask(TaskType.DATA_SHARING, userDataId, keyInfo.pk)
This will return a task id which used for getting the result.
Get task result
//If you don't get the result after the timeout(default 60000 milesconds), a timeout error will be returned and you can re-call this method until you get the result.
//Ensure that the keyInfo is the same object as the parameter passed to submitTask
const data = await padoNetworkClient.getTaskResult(taskId, keyInfo.sk);
If nothing goes wrong, you will get the data
of the Data Provider. The data type returned is Uint8Array, you can do further processing.